CNY SHRM President goes to Las Vegas Day 2!

Arianna Huffington started the day with an update on social media. "The internet is no longer in its adolescence, it's grown up. We now expect, to trust what we are reading, and the info we receive” she said.

Huffington Advice: Pursue Trust, Joy and Nap!

She also mentioned that we all need to put "nap rooms" at our businesses. "We don't get enough sleep in this Country. A 20 minute power nap could make for a more productive workforce.” That received a good deal of laughs as the manufacturing HR people all thought of what they do when employees fall asleep on the job!


Disney Institute followed with a presentation on how to engage your employees. Very well done! Envision, Organize, Engage, and Commit. Your long term measure is your Legacy.


Caesars Palace also reminded me why I'm not a gambler after they gladly took my $20!

Tuesday highlights include:

  • Tony Hsieh,
  • Zappos Inc.
  • Keith Urban concert

CNY SHRM President goes to Las Vegas Day 1