CNY SHRM President Goes to Las Vegas Day 3!



Tony Hsieh from gave a high energy talk on business happiness. “Check out his new book on Delivering Happiness.”

Tony is a product of the '90's .com boom, selling his first company to Microsoft for $265M! Why did he sell? The place wasn't fun to work at anymore! He has created Zappos with the primary priority in the company being, company culture and great customer service.

"Chase the vision, not the money, he said". "Great businesses need all three indicators, Profits, Passion and Purpose."

Is your company a fun place to work?

Keith Urban gave a great concert to 14,000 SHRM’ies last night.


The New York, New York casino gladly took $10 of my money!

Today’s Highlights

  • Michael J. Fox
  • Many concurrent sessions.

CNY SHRM President goes to Las Vegas Day 1

CNY SHRM President goes to Las Vegas Day 2