Patricia Chase is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker/Readjustment Counseling Therapist with the Syracuse Vet Center since 1996.  She is the proud daughter of a highly decorated WWII veteran.  She began working as a counselor at the center in 1996 and has been the Team Leader since 2003.   The Readjustment Counseling Services program (Vet Centers) is the VA program that welcome veterans home from combat zones.  They provide counseling for readjustment and transition issues, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, , marital & family counseling, military sexual trauma counseling and bereavement counseling.  They provide  referrals for medical treatment, substance abuse, VA benefits and employment and vocational rehabilitation.  Vet Centers provide services for veterans from WWII,  Korea, Vietnam and all other conflicts through to the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. 


The Vet Center team is currently collaborating with VA and Department of Defense in welcoming home all veterans and providing information regarding benefits and services available to them.   The hope is that with early intervention and connecting veterans to VA services, their transition home to their families and communities will be positive.