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May CNY SHRM Roundtable - How does racism and civil unrest affect your workplace?
Thursday, July 23, 2020, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM EDT
Category: Events

In case the stress of the current pandemic wasn’t enough…racism and civil unrest has taken over a lot of conversation in the workplace.  Lets have a discussion about how you (or could) make sure these conversations are healthy and thoughtful and appropriate for the workplace.  

The CNY SHRM HR Roundtable is an opportunity for you as an HR professional to share your ideas/opinions with others, ask your questions and get the opinions of other HR professionals, give ideas with how to cope with the additional stress, or maybe just a chance to learn that you are not alone.

This complimentary web meeting will allow you to have a general conversation with the group at large as well as have breakout sessions with smaller groups. 

Space is limited to 50 participants.

Contact: For more information please contact [email protected]